Transition To The Public Cloud

Kiril Shivachev

Archive article - published on April 05 2019

The cloud is a powerful tool in the hands of any business, but it’s not without its growing pains. Despite that narrative, a business’s cloud transition need not be painful, nor difficult. That’s precisely what our CTO, Eric Fouarge, recently discussed on a podcast session hosted by ActualTech Media.

The power of the public cloud to revolutionize a business’s IT operations has been well-documented.

It’s an incredible innovation platform for the development of new tools and initiatives. It provides unmatched agility and flexibility, putting small businesses and startups on even footing with large enterprises, where infrastructure is concerned, and it is at the core of exciting advancements such as machine learning, big data, and the Internet of Things.

Yet cloud computing is not without its growing pains. Transitioning from legacy architecture to the cloud is a painstaking, highly-involved process, requiring careful planning and considerable investment of both time and resources. That’s the prevailing narrative, anyway.

As is so often the case, that narrative isn’t exactly accurate.

That isn’t to say there aren’t roadblocks in an organization’s cloud journey. There are, and they can cause the trip to grind to a halt if a business isn’t careful. It’s why organizations like Root Level Technology exist - to put our expertise to work making the journey as painless and seamless as possible.

Guidance is only one side of the coin here, however. Knowledge is every bit as important - sharing what we know not just with clients, but with the industry at large. That’s why I recently appeared on ActualTech Media’s “10 on Tech” podcast.

While there, I discussed some of the reasons a business might want to incorporate a public cloud into their existing architecture. In a conversation guided by ActualTech Media’s James Green, I opened with a bit of history about Root Level Technology - about who we are, and how we’ve gotten to where we stand today. From there, the two of us dove into an intensive discussion on the public cloud.

We started by covering some of the reasons a business might choose to move to the cloud. From there, we launched into an examination of the specific steps necessary to complete an organization’s cloud journey, as well as emphasizing the importance that one understands both their infrastructure and applications before they begin. I also offered a few personal recommendations for cloud re-platforming applications.

Finally, the podcast wrapped up with a talk on some of the major trends in cloud security and automation, including the growing prominence of Kubernetes and the importance of containers. Throughout, my emphasis was on understanding - on equipping listeners with the knowledge they need to tap into one of the most powerful enterprise tools on the market. All in all, it was a great conversation, and I hope to join James for another conversation in the very near future.

You can find the full podcast here.

Reach out to us to start your cloud journey, no matter where you are in the cloud lifecycle! Then click the button below to get started!

Kiril Shivachev
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