Archive article - published on February 17 2020
Root Level Technology is happy to be attending Devnexus 2020. For those of you who are wondering what Devnexus is, it’s known as the largest Java conference in the USA. Pretty cool, right?! This year, Devnexus will take place at The Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) in Atlanta, Georgia, February 19 - 21, 2020.
Our very own EVP of Partnerships, Paul Palmer, is excited to be joining our Codefresh partner at Devnexus. Codefresh will have a booth set up, so if you’re at the conference, please be sure to swing by to learn more about the work they do as well as the work that we, as Codefresh partners, can provide for you!
This three-day conference will be jam-packed with over 100+ speakers, workshops, a social hour, and much more!
Here are just a few of the many workshops that are to be expected at Devnexus:
- Java Security Workshop
- Kubernetes 101 Workshop
- Google Cloud Native with Spring Boot
- Human Readable Javascript
To learn more about Codefresh and how Root Level Tech can help implement Codefresh into your environment, reach out to us!
We look forward to seeing everyone in Atlanta!