Celebrate National Selfie Day With WALT Labs


Archive article - published on June 21 2021

Sharing our image is nothing new. Throughout history, people have found ways to memorialize their own faces. Portraits, sculptures, daguerreotypes have all been used. One might even suggest that early cave paintings were a way for individuals to say, “Hey, look at me!” Today, we have the selfie. The duck-faced, mirror-imaged, sideways glancing digital captures of ourselves during a single moment in time are our modern-day versions of DaVinci’s Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk.

Let’s face it, selfies are fun. They allow us to ham it up for friends, family, and others regardless of whether they are near or far. There’s also plenty of debate about whether the selfie constitutes art or exhibitionism. And, while some will say that the shareable photos are characteristic of a vain, self-obsessed culture, they are expressive, current, and a way for people to connect.

To Selfie Is To Collaborate

Collaboration is another way for people to connect. That’s why tools like Google Workspace are changing the way people work. Now, everything individuals need to get work done as a team is in one place. Workspace brings together the communication and collaboration tools users know and love from Google—messaging, meetings, docs, and more—in a thoughtfully connected way. Best of all, we can use platforms like this to share our likenesses with co-workers, partners, and suppliers from anywhere at any time. The concerns surrounding the adage of putting a face to a name no longer exist when we’re connecting via Google Meet.

Celebrating Collaboration With Selfies

National Selfie Day is June 21st. As a Google Cloud partner with a track record of helping organizations increase communication and collaboration—easily and securely—we decided there could be no better way to celebrate our enthusiasm for collaborating than to share our selfies with readers of this blog.

Embodied in the carousel of pictures that accompany this post are the likenesses of many of us here at WALT Labs. Presented here are the mugs of many of our team members—c-level executives, engineers, managers, administrators, consultants, and others. We’re sharing our images to create that relationship with the businesses we serve and hope to serve. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.


Celebrate Selfie Day With Us

Selfies aren’t reserved for just a single day of the year. Connect with those around you by sharing your likeness any day. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are some common forms of the practice:

The Duck Face selfie requires you to purse your lips, tilt your head slightly and gently pout at the camera lens. This popular, moody pose is supposed to accentuate your cheeks.

The mirror selfie is a convenient way to capture your image without having to hold your phone at arm’s length. Great for showing off that new outfit. Remember to twist and lift before snapping the shutter.

Since it’s hard to resist a cute dog or cat, the pet selfie is a popular approach. Just remember that when you’re getting all those likes, your co-star gets half the credit.

When you get dressed up, don’t forget the glamour selfie. You worked hard to pick out that new dress and the right accessories - show it off!

If striking a pose on selfie day or any other day isn’t your thing, that’s fine too. Remember, you can have your business connect and collaborate with some great offerings from Google Cloud. WALT Labs can help you modernize your business, so your team has everything it needs to get work done, all in one place. Contact us today for a no-obligation review of your needs.  

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